Saturday, December 13, 2008

Journal #1: Digging up the Roots

This article was written by Jane Goodall was about morning and grieving about relationships that we no longer have in our lives. Jane is originally from London, but has spent much adult time in her life in the jungles of Tanzania engaged by the study of chimpanzees. Now Jane really cares for these chimpanzees, but she realizes that these chimps do not care for comfort, food, or love like her own dogs back at home. She loves these chimpanzees very much and cares for them as well, so when one of them passes, she grieves for them. She also grieves and feels much anger when she returns to some familiar sites in Tanzania twenty years later when we, mankind, have destroyed these chimps’ habitats. She feels that these habitats in this area used to be like paradise, but now that it is destroyed she asks “who would not mourn expulsion from paradise?”
I feel for Jane after reading this article. I myself have a dog at home whom is a pit bull named Fergie. I love Fergie so much and I love coming home from school and feeling her welcome when I open the front door. I know that when Fergie will pass someday I will also grieve and morn just like Jane. Also, after reading this article, I will do my best caring for other animals as well. I will continue to keep “going green” and contribute to helping out the environment so that these animals can live in a healthy habitat.

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